My note Book

This is my notebook for writing from what I am interested in. I will be appreciated that might be helping someone who want to learn the same.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551


bad very bad: awful, terrible, horrible, lousy informal, appalling, ghastly, atrocious, horrendous

bad but not very bad: not very good, mediocre, second-rate, so-so, lacklustreof

bad quality: shoddy, inferior, poor quality, cheap, crummy informal

bad at doing something: be no good at somethingvery

bad at doing something: hopeless, terrible, useless, lousy informal, incompetent

morally bad: evil, wicked, immoral, corrupt, sick, perverted, degenerate

American's Favorite Expressions--The Natural world

The great American outdoors

  • Carry a chip on your shoulder--Be resentful or quick to take offense

(resenful =feeling angry and upset about something that you think is unfair [= bitter], usage--resentful of/about/at etc ADV resenfully N resenfulness)

  • Let the chips Fall where they way--Do the right thing without regard to consequences

(consequences=something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions,usage--consequence of ,consequence for ,dire/disastrous/serious etc consequences ,with ... consequences ,take/suffer/face the consequences (of something) (=accept the bad results of something you have done) ,as a consequence (of something)/in consequence (of something)formal as a result of something,
of little/no/any etc consequenceformal not very important or valuable
of little/no/any etc consequence to

(regard=to look upon or think of with a particular feeling,to have or show respect or concern for,to think highly of; esteem,thought; attention; concern.)

  • Have more than you can shake a stick at--To be faced with some overwhelming number of objects, too many to be counted

(overwhelming(adj)=having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react,very large or greater, more important etc than any other ADJ overwhelmingly)

  • Go haywire--Become excited or distracted; go out of control.
  • Bite the dust--Be wounded or die in action; fail or be defeated.

(wouned(adj)=injured by a weapon such as a gun or knife, very upset because of something that someone has said or done, the wounded= people who have been injured, especially in a war)

(defeated(adj)=sad and unable to deal with problems)

  • Put an ear to the ground--Proceed cautiously, especially by collecting relevant information before taking action
  • Blaze a trail--Mark out a path for others to follow; be an innovator
  • Send smoke signals--Give an indication of your intentions; send an indirect message
  • Fight fire with fire--Respond in kind to an attack of threat
  • Hit pay dirt--Find wealth or sucess; Find what you are looking for
  • Dish (the) dirt--Gossip; make spiteful remarks about someone

(spiteful(adj)=deliberately nasty to someone in order to hurt or upset them [= vicious])

  • Take a rain check--Postpone an event until a more convenient time.
  • Feel a draft--Defect hostility

(defect(n)=a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect,(V)to leave your own country or group in order to go to or join an opposing one Usage:defect to/from N defector, defection )

(hostility(n)=1.when someone is unfriendly and full of anger towards another person, Usage:hostility towards/between ,hostility toward,open/outright hostility (=hostility that is clearly shown) ,2.strong or angry opposition to something, 3.fighting in a war)

  • Be sent up the river--Be sent to prison
  • Come from the wrong side of the tracks--Socially or economically inferior

(inferior(adj)=not good, or not as good as someone or something else [≠ superior],lower in rank [≠ superior], (N)someone who has a lower position or rank than you in an organization)

Behaving like an animal

  • See a man about a dog
  • Bark up the wrong tree
  • Talk turkey
  • Go cold turkey
  • Live high on the hog
  • go (the) whole hog
  • Get someone's goat
  • Play possum
  • Go like a bat out of hell
  • Go belly-up

วันพุธที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

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